Cold War Correspondent, great storytelling on an area not covered in school

I make no bones about the fact that I absolutely love the Hazardous Tales book series from Nathan Hale. My only complaint about that non-fiction graphic novel series is that the pages and the font are too small. As if sensing my very wishes, Amulet Books published the Bigger & Badder Editions of some of the previously released Hazardous Tales. In my effort to temp the universe I complained about bad music on the radio and a lack of free pizza, to no avail. Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Cold War Correspondent ups the ante to this series by making readers learn about a subject that they probably know nothing about in a manner that’s intelligent, funny, and respectful.

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Cold War Correspondent takes the complex, hazy era of post WWII and crystallizes it into an intelligent and approachable graphic novel.
Make the unteachable fun for middle school? Hold my pen says Nathan Hale

Donner Dinner Party, Bigger & Badder Edition, the size the book deserves

Sometimes when I read I curse my middle-aged eyesight. I do that especially when I read any of the books in Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales book series. As a graphic novel by any measurable barometer that series is outstanding for those upper-elementary school readers and up. It’s one of those series where the ‘and up’ qualifier is especially apt. If I were just reading them I would enjoy them as much from an entertainment perspective, as much as the educator in me likes them for the non-fiction stories they tell. Donner Dinner Party, A Pioneer Tale, Bigger & Badder Edition is a great example of taking something great and improving upon it.

Bigger is better in this case

Blades of Freedom, a smart mglit graphic novel that entertains

In speaking with our elementary school library one of their biggest desires is for kids to read more non-fiction books. For those older elementary students, as well as, anyone who appreciates smart books that educate through humor and real events the Hazardous Tales series must be on your list. Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales is an ongoing graphic novel series on Amulet Books that cover a variety of people, events, or things. They’re also some of the best, not to mention educational series of books that have the potential to engage young readers on real-life happenings. Blades of Freedom is the tenth book in the series and it brings the elements that fans enjoyed from earlier books, but also digs deeper into history and unknown nuggets.

An educational… and fun non-fiction graphic novel? yup.
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