All Age Comic Books for November 6

It’s a great week for all age comic books. The 500 pound gorilla in kidlit arrives with its latest installment. While Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wrecking Ball is not a comic book, it’s such a big deal for elementary and middle school readers it merits mentioning here. Those ages won’t care about the plot, they’ll just want new adventures from the Heffley family. There are also some great releases from Marvel Action on IDW Publishing, a massive 100 page release from Teen Titans Go! and more.

This week in all age comic books: Care Bears, Wimpy Kid, Disney Frozen, Teen Titans Go! Giant, Marvel Avengers from IDW Publishing and more.
Wimpy Kid! Teen Titans Go!, Marvel Action from IDW Publishing and more

Spidey #6 is all age comic book web slinging magic

There was a three year period when I was a kid where I read every issue of Spidey comics. I look back at those old comics now and still recall re-reading them, looking at the art, the dog eared pages and more. An updated version of that classic Spidey comic book is out and it’s bound to create the same long lasting memories for today’s kids.

Spidey is not the same as the Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man. The later is based on the Disney XD television series and has an All Ages rating from Marvel Comics. The former is also from Marvel, but for some reason is rated teen. Parents don’t be put off by that teen rating on Spidey. This is a comic book that ages 7 and up will absolutely love, packed with action, villains and the issues that face an upper-middle school aged student.

Spidey, spidey #6, spider man, marvel comics, the vulture, iron man, comic book, all age comic books

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