Movies on Demand are great for busy parents giveaway

I love me some Movies On Demand.  Twenty years ago I lived near a community that was testing this new technology that would allow them to watch anything they want to.  The thought of being able to stream Terminator 2 directly to my television was too much to fathom; not to mention being able to skip past commercials when watching regular TV. Continue reading Movies on Demand are great for busy parents giveaway

The Philips Norelco AT830: Shaving with a vengeance #realpro #norelco

I’m in the second week of shaving with an electric, specifically the Phillips Norelco PowerTouch with Aquatec shaver.  There is something about the name of the product that reminds me of Dallas; like Patrick Duffy is about to announce that it’s all been a dream.  Continue reading The Philips Norelco AT830: Shaving with a vengeance #realpro #norelco

I’m not shaving for a Philips Norelco review, #realpro #norelco, not because I’m lazy or trying to look older,

For the past two and a half weeks I haven’t shaved.  Not that I want to share my bathing and shaving habits with any readers, but I do like a good challenge.  Shaving wasn’t a challenge per se, but the folks at Phillips Norelco challenged a couple of guy bloggers to ditch the blade and try going electric.  For the record I’ll also accept any challenges that revolve around duct tape and/or bacon.  Continue reading I’m not shaving for a Philips Norelco review, #realpro #norelco, not because I’m lazy or trying to look older,

Can you handle the tooth about the Oral-B 5000?

We were asked to try out the Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000.  As a simple man I sometimes distrust seemingly simple devices with complicated names.  “If any product really was labeled as improved, than the previous incarnation must not have been that good”, is what my inner non-trusting self would say. Continue reading Can you handle the tooth about the Oral-B 5000?

Farm to fork turns the backyard to a bash

For the past several years I’ve grown something edible in the garden.  It started out with tomatoes, then blackberries were added and this year we threw in zucchini, catnip and basil.  The majority of our family’s food doesn’t come from the side of our house though. Continue reading Farm to fork turns the backyard to a bash

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