Big Book Bargains in the Atlanta Burbs

I love books.  Because of that it’s not too surprising that Baby Mojo loves books.  At bedtime either mom or I will read a book to him, then leave his bed light on while he sits in his crib and reads himself to sleep.  When we go into to change his diaper later in the night it looks like the Book Town mafia shot down our son with an outline of cardboard children’s books. Continue reading Big Book Bargains in the Atlanta Burbs

A guy’s guide to frugal Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Attention guys:  Valentine’s Day is just over one month away.   Plan ahead and don’t get caught with that last minute box of chocolates and ‘coupon for loving’ that didn’t really work out so well the last time.  If you’re a boyfriend or husband, that special lady may say she doesn’t want anything but we all know what that really means. Continue reading A guy’s guide to frugal Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Daddy Mojo’s money saving tip: Parenting pet care co-op

I like to save money.  You probably do too.  Pets can really round out a family.  The lessons that cats and dogs can teach our children add up to help shape them into young adults who don’t run and hide at the sight of a pet.    I met an adult one time who was genuinely scared of cats, shaking, crying, the whole nine yards, THAT woman needed a pet growing up. Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s money saving tip: Parenting pet care co-op

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new disposal

Certain sounds make the heart of men go down to their stomach.  As a father, the ‘grind’ that your disposal makes when a foreign object is in there can present a fork in the road.

We heard that sound recently in the Mojo house.  It was a tiny baby spoon that fell and was shredded into a thousand metallic pieces, we thought.  After the first metal on metal sound, I stopped the disposal, realized that it was too far gone and made the disposal work for it’s money.  Either grind it or die disposal, cause it’s all or nothing in this house. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new disposal

A free tip on how families can save money

Regardless of the time of year, you need to save money.  The single guy down the street, the family up the road and the retired couple that live next door all want to pay less for the stuff they buy.  The internet has made comparing prices effortless, but it’s important not to forget the old school ways that companies advertise. Continue reading A free tip on how families can save money

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