Star Wars, The Ultimate Pop-Up Galaxy has to seen to be believed

Ode to be trapped inside Matthew Reinhart’s mind. Reinhart is an author and pop-up book genius. He’s constructed dozens of pop-up books that make you want to be a piece of paper just so he can engineer it becoming whatever magical thing might come to life in his books. We first discovered his work in Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs and Encyclopedia Sharks and Other Sea Monsters. These, and his other pop-up books are the stuff of legend and will engross anyone aged 5 and up. They’re also very complex, so if you value your books you’ll want to handle them yourself when looking at them with children under 10. Star Wars, The Ultimate Pop-Up Galaxy lives up to its name and is now our favorite Reinhart book. It maintains the intricate pop-up aspects of his other work, but digs down into many Star Wars elements that pop off of the page. 

This is a pop-up book that will dazzle fans, stimulate curiosity and boggle the mind

Star Wars The Secrets of The Jedi, a light side primer

If Star Wars, The Secrets of The Jedi were a football playbook it would be 90% focused on the defensive side. For younger fans of The Force, especially given that The Rise of Skywalker is nigh, this is a great literary jumping on point for those that know a little bit about this famous family. The cover of The Secrets of The Jedi gives the Star Wars initiated a quick preview of what’s inside, or namely, what’s not inside. There aren’t any dark force characters on the book’s cover. There are a couple pages inside that hint to their evil, but the deep-dive to the dark side is left to another book.

A beautiful and detailed look at the Light Side of the Force this Is

All age comic books for October 30

Happy New Comic Book Day! What’s new in all age comic books this week? In the podcast we’re talking about Disney Afternoon Giant, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Little Mermaid, Star Wars Adventures, William the Last and we’ll share with you the best selling all age comic book from one store that we visit. I think you’ll be surprised at what they’re selling the most of.

The new all age comic books this week: Star Wars Adventures, William the Last, The Little Mermaid, Oggy, Kermit, Spidey and more.

Archie 55, M Disney Afternoon Giant #7, M Giant Days as Time Goes By, #1, M, H

The Muppet Christmas Carol, E, M, H

Oggy and the Cockroaches #1, UE, M Rocky and Bullwinkle As Seen on TV, #2, E, M Superhero

Aquaman Giant #1, UE, M, H Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13, UE, M True Belivers X-Men Unlimited #27, UE, M, H True Believers X-Men #96, UE, M, H Action/science-fiction

Adventure Time Marceline, UE, M, H DC Ghosts Giant #1, UE, M, H Disney The Little Mermaid #1, UE, M, H Goldie Vance Gift Set, UE, M Jim Henson Dark Crystal Age of Resistance #2, UE, M, H Jim Henson Power of the Dark Crystal Vol 2, UE, M, H My Little Pony Feats of Friendship #2, E, M

Sanity & Tallulah: Field Trip, UE, M

Star Pig #4 of 4, UE, M, H Star Wars Adventures #27, E, M Star Wars Adventures: Vader’s Castle #5 of 5, UE, M, H William Last Shadows of Crown, #4, UE, M, H

All age comic books for October 16

Tis two weeks before Halloween and all through the comic book shop lay those all age comic books good for ages 5 and up. Well, some of them anyway-and for that really young crowd check out Star Wars A Merry Sithmas Pop-Up book. It’s from Disney and a chance to make your own pop-up book. The 3D elements won’t be board book quality, so while the presentation is great for those young ones, just keep their hands a safe distance away. For those readers who are slightly older Star Wars Adventures: Vader’s Castle or Marvel Action Black Panther, both of these comic books are highly entertaining and great for ages 7 and up.

In the podcast we’ll chat about Charlie Brown, Scooby Doo, a great What Is The Story book about Doctor Who and a Superman book that middle schoolers might be down with.  

Humor Archie Married Life 10 Years Later, #3, E Archie, #708, UE, M

Surviving The Great Indoors, E, M, H

Casper’s Haunted Halloween, E
Ducktales Silence & Science, #2 of 3, UE, M My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, #83, E, M Scooby Doo Where Are You?, #101, E, M, H

Unplugged and Unpopular, M, H    

Superhero Dollar Comics, Batman #497, UE, M, H Magnificent Ms. Marvel, UE, M, H Marvel Action Black Panther #4, UE, M, H Superman Smashes the Klan, UE, M True Believers X-Men Rictor, UE, M, H True Believers X-Men Jubilee, UE, M, H Wonder Woman Giant #1, UE, M, H Action/Science-fiction Starcadia Quest #2 of 3, UE, M Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle, #3, UE, M
What Is The Story of Doctor Who, UE, M


All Age Comic Books for October 2

What’s new with the all age comic books this week? One of our favorite graphic novels has their latest entry out and it’s one that will delight elementary school readers and up. Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl is the payoff to what was teased in the final pictures of the last Mighty Jack book. This series is jammed with action, humor and heart that ages 7 and up could enjoy. In comic books this week you should look out for Star Wars Adventures, Marvel Action Black Panther, Casper’s Haunted Halloween and lots more.

Over in the podcast we’ll chat about Star Pig, Flash, some cool Star Wars books and more that will interest readers 8 and up.

This week in all age comic books has Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl, Black Panther, Star Pig and lots of Star Wars.
Caspers Haunted Halloween #1, E, M Giant Days, M, H Uncle Scrooge #49, M

Sunny Rolls the Dice, UE, M, H

Dollar Comics Joker #1, UE, M The Flash Giant #1, UE, M, H Marvel Action Black Panther #3, UE, M, H Powers in Action #3, E True Believers X-Men, M, H True Believers X-Men, Bishop #1, M, H Action/Science-fiction
Avatar: The Last Airbender, UE, M

Carmen Sandiego, The Fishy Treasure Caper, UE, M

Cursed, M, H

Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl, UE, M, H

Over the Garden Wall Soulful Symphonies #3 (of 5), UE, M Sonic The Hedgehog #21, E, M Star Pig #3 (of 4), M, H Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle, UE, M Star Wars: Be More Leia, M, H, Star Wars: Be More Lando, M, H Star Wars 39-Button Sounds Battles, E Star Wars 10-Button Sounds Villains, E Star Wars 10-Button Sounds Droids, E Transformers Ghostbusters #5 (of 5), UE, M, H

All age comic books for September 18

All age comic books and all age graphic novels. The former are just individual comic books that come out in a monthly or as a mini-series. The later are either an original story that’s out for the first time or a collected series of comic books that encapsulate a story arc from comic books.

This week has some amazing examples of all of them. One of our favorite original graphic novels has a new entry this week. Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy is so much fun for elementary aged reader and (way…) up. Time Trout is their latest adventure and is so fun to read. This is the manic sort of story that will hook in anyone who picks up the book. It’ll make reluctant readers want to read and give those kids who already love reading an excuse to re-read it dozens of times. Elementary school readers will also dig Teen Titans Go!, Catwad-It’s Me, Two and many others.

Middle school readers already have Guts on their radar. The content might be too much for elementary ages, but some in upper elementary will be OK with it. The Red Zone is a great example of a graphic novel as a means of education and entertainment. Granted, the true story of an earthquake isn’t entertaining, but kids might have difficulty processing massive scale disasters. This graphic novel opens a window to that experience.

In the podcast we’ll chat about those things plus Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Archie vs. Predator 2 and more.

This week in all age comic books has Laser Moose Catwad, Guts, The Red Zone, Teen Titans Go! and two series for emerging readers.
Humor Archie 1955 #1, UE, M Bigby Bear For All Season, E, M, H Disney/PIXAR The Incredibles 2: Secret Identities

Catwad, It’s Me Two, E, M, H

Guts, UE, M, H

Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy: The Trout, E, M, H

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #82, E, M My Little Pony Friendship is Magic vol. 17, E, M My Little Pony Retro Coloring Book, E, M, H


Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #12, UE, M Magnificent Ms. Marvel #7 UE, M, H Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vol 9, TBP, UE, M, H Teen Titans Go! #36, E, M True Believers Hulk Professor Hulk, Action/Science-fiction Archie vs. Predator 2, #2 of 5, UE, M, H Red Zone volume 1 Earthquake Story, UE, M, H Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Chapter Book, E Steven Universe Harmony, UE, M, H Steven Universe #23, UE, M, H Tea Dragon Festival, UE, M World of Reading Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes & Villains

Star Wars, Poster-A-Page: Creatures, Ships and Droids

Our kids are in the Star Wars sweet spot. (Note: I may use that phrase for the next 20 years) No, really, they both are in love with the idea and the fantasy that these classic characters bring alive. Star Wars, Creatures, Ships & Droids, a poster-a-page book is as simple, direct and enjoyable as a book can be to a kid who is between 6 and 11.

Star wars, creatures ships & droids, poster a page, children, star wars coloring book, Star wars creatures ships & droids.

Continue reading Star Wars, Poster-A-Page: Creatures, Ships and Droids

Easter basket ideas for boys

Boys are different than girls. Certainly, both a 6 year old boy and girl would love a good Easter egg hunt. However, when it comes to Easter basket ideas for boys you should plan accordingly; lest you have egg on your face. Sure, some of the items below will cross over to the girl Easter baskets and vice versa. Being the dad to a 4 and 6 year old boy we know what they’re asking for in their Easter basket and here are a variety of ideas that range from bigger items like the Star Wars throw to a trip to your local $1 store.

Star Wars, Skylanders, comics, dollar store, National Geographic, Hot Wheels, Easter basket gift ideas for boys, star wars throw

We were provided with the Star Wars throw and National Geographic books for the post, but, it’s Star Wars and Nat Geo. Everything else was paid for by us and all of the items would rock a boy’s Easter basket like nobody’s business.


Continue reading Easter basket ideas for boys

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