Lessons that children can learn from the garden #Sponsored

I remember the first time I discovered that you could have an herb garden at your house.  It was in the Italian Mediterranean, near the mountain principality of Seborga.  One of my friends casually mentioned that he was going outside to get some fresh basil for the pasta.  Woah, you can just go out and pick basil-you Italians have it going on, I thought to myself.

Of course, since then I’ve planted herb gardens of my own and have been quite successful at it.  Now that I have a child who’s old enough to help I’ve discovered a couple of ways that they can genuinely help out.  I wrote an article for the SC Johnson Green Choices blog on the 5 things that your young child can learn from the herb garden.

Basil in the garden

Do you have photos of Vietnam Veterans who were lost in the war?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is working with local organizations in a nationwide call for photographs and back stories of Vietnam War veterans.  These stories and any photo graphs you have will listed and displayed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. for display at The Educational Center at The Wall. Continue reading Do you have photos of Vietnam Veterans who were lost in the war?

Cap That can do prints on any surface from anywhere, even video

We love photos in our house.  Before having children we had photos of pets and travels  on the walls.  With children come lots of photos and the myriad of ways to put their pictures up on the walls.  We were presented  a review opportunity with Cap That, that we hadn’t seen before-putting photos on bamboo picture frames.  To make things even cooler they can be traditional photos or be pulled from video clips. Continue reading Cap That can do prints on any surface from anywhere, even video

A messy child meets the Mohawk SmartStrand carpet

Perhaps I shouldn’t say, ‘a messy child’, it’s more accurate to state a child that loves to make a mess.  You may have one of them too.  When I told him he’d be able to make a mess, on purpose he couldn’t get to The Dogwood Festival quick enough.  The folks from Mohawk Flooring had a tent and invited kids (see: anyone) to make a mess on their carpet. Continue reading A messy child meets the Mohawk SmartStrand carpet

Spring time is #GrillingIsHappiness, twitter party with @Sears, 4/18, 1:00 ET

Spring is here according to the calendar and the thermometer!  All our spring plants and seeds are in the garden and the grilling supplies are being catalogued. This weekend we go grilling and Sears is getting things started with the #GrillingIsHappiness twitter party on April 18 at 1:00 ET. Continue reading Spring time is #GrillingIsHappiness, twitter party with @Sears, 4/18, 1:00 ET

The groundhog was wrong, Sears and #GrillingIsHappiness is now

The calendar says February, but in my dinner mind’s eye it’s April and I’m grilling out 2 or 3 nights a week.  If I were a true grill man then I would do it every month of the year, I realize that.   Grill 12 months a year or the fair weather grill man like me, Sears has you covered with #GrillingIsHappiness sale. Continue reading The groundhog was wrong, Sears and #GrillingIsHappiness is now

Sears #GrillingIsHappiness twitter party on 2/19, 1:00 ET with prizes!

Perhaps the world’s most accurate twitter party headline is #GrillingIsHappiness.  There is nothing about that hashtag that could be proven false.  Perhaps when it rains outside, but grilling would still be happiness, just a bit wet.  Celebrate the coming spring and grilling season with @Sears at the #GrillingIsHappiness twitter party on Tuesday, February 19 at 1:00 ET. Continue reading Sears #GrillingIsHappiness twitter party on 2/19, 1:00 ET with prizes!

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