A parent’s view on Skins and a la carte television stations

As the parent to a toddler who just figured out that they can turn on the television I say who’s up for a good discussion on whether Skins is really child porn?  No? Ok, let’s engage in a debate over how the UK version of the show is much racier and the U.S. version is nothing, so us tight underwear Americans should chill out. Continue reading A parent’s view on Skins and a la carte television stations

Daddy Mojo reviews: Husky 20 Piece T-Handle Driver Set

Some products need to be reinvented or improved upon.  A prime example of that are those curvy new light bulbs that are supposed to last 8 times longer.    Yeah, we got some for the house, they light up just fine and I’ve reaffirmed my street cred with Captain Planet.   We’ve seen these new screwdrivers in our local home improvement stores, but really, how can you improve on a screwdriver? Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: Husky 20 Piece T-Handle Driver Set

Toys for the toddler: Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Camera

Toddlers destroy things.  If a toddler were a mattress they’d have a tag on them that says, “Do not remove this tag or I’ll destroy more things than I would normally”.  Toddlers touch what they shouldn’t, parents stop them, that’s our job. Continue reading Toys for the toddler: Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Camera

A Dad (and Wife) review The Expendables and The A-Team

It’s two movies, so seemingly attached at the hip that they deserve to be reviewed together.  Over a three week period my wife and I saw both of these movies.  We weren’t locked in a room with these movies and neither one was so bad that it look an excessively long time to watch; we were just really busy caring for our toddler. Continue reading A Dad (and Wife) review The Expendables and The A-Team

Daddy Mojo reviews: Beaba Formula & Snack Container

Babies, especially when they hit the toddler age need to snack and snack often.  Forget the food and face the perilous onslaught of a multiple octave attack from your previously happy toddler.   At one point in time moms and dads had to have plastic, re-sealable containers that were cheap, disposable and let’s face it, not cool at all. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: Beaba Formula & Snack Container

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